hello blog world!
this year is just cruising right along, no?
no complaints thus far, its starting out quite fine!
hope all of yours is shaping out the same!
so here i am, on a saturday night, finding myself sitting in front of my laptop drinkin a Frisch's vanilla coke... NAUMS.
how exciting my life has become!
momentarily i will be starting a scary movie marathon, by myself.
which brings up the topic,
what are your TOP scary movies?
you know, those ones that make you sleep with the light on and covers up to your chin?
now, i have my favorite CLASSIC scary movies of course,
The Shining
Night of the Living Dead
but lets be honest, most of those don't send you in to a panic, they're just good old movies to watch for a thrill.
my top scary movies that really get me going would have to be the following:
its the creatures. the story line. the music. something. creeps me out, everytime.
The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
deformed crazy mountain cannibals... need I say more.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
there's really nothing worse than the sound of a chainsaw....
The Strangers
although you're left with many unanswered questions in the end, still a great movie.
House of Wax
wax figures at any rate....
& my top Horror movies of all time, are
The Devils Rejects
House of 1000 Corpses
Rob Zombie is HIGH on the list of credible horror film producers. These two movies scare the ever living life out of me. I'm kinda freaking just thinking about them....
So there ya have it folks. Feeling ever so incline, please watch one of these films!!! Of course there are many more scary movies that I love. But these, my friends, are the cream of the crop.
oh dear! who knew!!!! sorry, but thanks for the info!!! :)